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Re: Two problems

> The oil pressure warning light flashes during cruising.


I've seen similar complaints on vw's (same two sensor oil pressure warning
system) that have the crankcase breather baffle in the valve cover blocked.

As blowby is produced & collected in the crankcase it builds up pressure
inside the engine, especially on the highway, because the baffle won't flow
it out fast enough.

Now for the life of me I can't figure out why the increase in crankcase
pressure doesn't help the light stay out instead of just the opposite...but
this is definitely what happens. New valve cover = light out.

At the speed you mentioned with a turbo engine there's going to be a fair
amount of blowby, and you may just be pushing the limits of the design.  Or
you might want to check the path of the crankcase gasses & see if all is
clean & well.

What are you using for oil??  We get a lot of unnecessary lifter noise &
oil light complaints from customers that have simply overfilled their
crankcase by a quart or used 10-30 weight oil (even synthetic).
Especially as the engines age, we seem to have the best results with 15-40
or 10-50,  synthetic or otherwise.

good luck...ned bennett