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RE: One valve down, the final episode.

>Since you have the belt off, when you put the thing back together why not 
>open a valve all the way (using the cam :)) and then turn the crank (slowly 
>!) to see if there is any interference?  Won't this put the question of 
>interference to rest? I know I would like to know.  I did this test on my 
>GTI 8V when I was changing the belt and now I know that the engine is of the 
>non-interference type.

It would be more intuitive to me if you approached the above proceedure from
the other direction.  Suggedstion:

remove #1 spark plug.
Insert screwdriver (this is a cheap gauge for finding approx. TDC)
Rotate the crank until piston is at top
with flashlight (friend helps too) fine tune to the tdc timing mark on flywheel.
Now rotate cam to check for interference.

The cam, having less mass, is easier to control and you will recognize the
resistance quicker.


bbell@csn.org (Bruce Bell)