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Re: Electric problem on 5000. Help needed ...

I think I know what the problem is...

On turbo engines, there is a temp sensor near the fuel injectors that turns on
the little air blower.  This is the fan that cools the injectors to prevent
vapor lock.  The temp sensor activates a relay which applies power to the
blower motor.  This whole circuit is not switched by the ignition switch.  THat
is, it can activate at any time.  It the temp sensor goes bad, the blower runs
alot and kills the battery.  This happened to me and was a real pain to find. I
ended up buying a new battery for nothing.  As a temporary move (until summer),
just disconnect the temp sensor wires.  The sensor is mounted near the fuel
injector closest to the firewall.  Also near the cold start injector.  It sits
on a little metal pedestal. 

Good luck,

>Subj:	Re: Electric problem on 5000. Help needed ...
>>I'd say weak ("dead") battery. You should have 12.xx V until way way later.
>>Of course that is 12.xx volts at the battery; if you are measuring the
>>electrical system itself, all bets are off. (I think the offhand battery
>>test method is run/charge the battery; shut off engine/charger; run high-
>>beams for 30-seconds to minute, then measure voltage, should be 12.4 or
>>greater ?? not real sure of the decimal, but well over 12.0!). You should
>>also have 14+ volts while running (otherwise battery won't properly charge).
>>Over 15-16 volts and you run danger of burning out things.
>You are probably right on the money Robert. My battery never goes
>over 14V, 13.8-13.9 is the maximum when the car is running.
>I changed the battery when I got the car, August, so I must
>have a short somewhere.
>Is there an easy way to locate it, or should I go around digging ?
>>The clicking is obviously the system switching on, starter/load drops
>>voltage, relays release, voltage rises, load increases, voltage drops,
>>relays release, ... usually it's the starter/solenoid you hear, going
>>CLICK CLICK CLICK, with the click click of mere relays lost in the noise...
>>					-RDH
>Yes, it makes sence. Now if I could return the relay to the dealer...
>Thanks for the replies (and the suggested spell),