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Re: Burning question!

<4000S that might burn oil.
  To see if it really burns oil or if it is just leaking:
    The obvious, put a large sheet of cardboard under the car where you park.
  If, afer a few days, the board is soaked, it's leaking.  Try to park the
 car in the same spot to help pinpoint where it's leaking.  Remember, oil is
subject to gravity too, so if it appears to be coming from the bottom, it
might actually be coming from the top.  Follow the trail...

  #2.  Pull out one or all spark plugs and see what they look like.  If they
 are dark brown or black and oily, it's burning.  If you are unsure about
 plug coloring, replace the plugs and run them for a week and then recheck.

 Keep in mind that even if it's burning oil, it might not be leaking past the
rings and worn out.  It may be something as simple (relatively) and cheap
 (relatively) as valve stem seals.
  #3.  Last thing, I almost forgot.  Does it smoke??  If it doesn't smoke,
it is probably not burning oil, at least not very much.   If it smokes right
at startup, it is *most likely* caused by the aforementioned valve stem seals.

  #4.  Last, Last thing: if you suspect that the engine is wornout, which it
 shouldn't be at 120K, do a compression test, or have one done.  This or the
more revealing leakdown test will tell you the condition of your rings and
                             Sorry for the lengthy response,
                             simple question, not so simple answer,
                                      1987 Audi 4000S, 1.8l