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Euro Lights
Tim, denizen of The Parts Dept. in the UK, has asked me to post:
a) Euro lights to fit US-spec. Audis are in general no problem, but there
is ENORMOUS variety in fittings from model to model and even from VIN to
VIN. Send as much information as possible - the VIN, the part number
currently fitted, etc.
b) It would help if anyone interested contacts Tim directly - he's not on
the Internet yet, although he's reviewing it in the light of its obvious
business potential.
Tim's details:
The Parts Dept.
29/30 Castle Street
Phone +44 1273 326189
Fax +44 1273 321363
Happy parts hunting.
Phil Payne
Sievers Consulting UK
Vice Chair, UK Computer Measurement Group
Phone +44 385 302803
Fax/BBS +44 1536 723021
Fido 2:2503/415
CIS 100012,1660