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re: Audis vs Batteries..key off fan
>>Is this normal behavior?
> After running the engine in the yard for a while, the
>fan coming on with the key off would be normal behavior because under hood
>temps would be high.
Ah yes, this always gets me strange looks from the Ford/GM crowd
> SNIP > It would be like a
>cat losing it's mystique by coming when you call it (like a MERE dog).
>Just think of it!
I've heard of Meerkats (African, correct?) but never a Meredog
Its amazing that Cats survived the great flood- I mean I picture Noah
standing on the ark screaming "here Foo- Foo, Daddy's got a new piece
of furnitu . . . I mean toy for you."
>Anyway, the temp sender s/b a 4 prong unit near the top radiator hose
>connection on the engine. Wouldn't bother trying to fix the old one, it's
>over the hill.
I thought they switched to the three pin unit recently
>Gotta go. I feel the hot breath of the hounds of Siberia on my heels!!!
>Hey Boris! Ya sister's a poooooodle!!!! (yuk,yuk,yuk) Gota go faster!!!
You can run but you can't hide
>just sign me masticated in mass....am I snausages yet?
We can arrange that too.