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Re: Don't Brake for Chicken Little

Very cute John, thank you for sharing. 

>I ran across this little nugget whilst on America On-line last nite and 
>thought it was a fairly good appraisal of today's video "journalism":

>are the blockheads. Of course, if you turned on the tube and the evening
>anchor screamed, "You're a blockhead. Details at 10,"

Not news, I already know this

>   "Starting Jan. 1 you will be able to see the sun again-reformulated gas on
>the way."


>   This is the same stuff Illinois has been trying to foist on motorists for
>years. Ethanol. Gasoline diluted with alcohol. Now it's called reformulated
>gas. What's in a name? Try 10 percent alcohol.
Oh no, here we go again., :-)

>   So, in order to clean up the air, we are going to burn 3 percent more fuel
>and pay at least 6 cents a gallon more to do so.
>   The lesson?
>   Get cable.

Alternate Solution:  Get Children/Grandchildren
if the TV is on they'll want to watch Barney/Sesame St/Power Rangers etc.

I've become a much nicer person since my Barney intake increased
and my news intake decreased.
>Transmitted:  95-01-02 06:34:58 EST
>----- End Included Message -----
'64 Blockhead jim h
'** Wife deb h
'89 Audi 80
'89 Audi 200Q