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Re: Hmmm ... Maybe there are advantages to US cars
> From quattro-owner@swiss.ans.net Tue Jan 3 17:22:52 1995
> Date: Tue, 03 Jan 1995 21:21:24 GMT
> From: Phil@sievers.com (Phil Payne)
> To: quattro@swiss.ans.net
> Subject: Re: Hmmm ... Maybe there are advantages to US cars
> Lines: 26
> Reply-To: quattro@swiss.ans.net
> In message <9501031727.AA03356@newkla.kla.com> Steven Buchholz writes:
> > Well Phil ... it is interesting to hear that carbureted cars are still
> > being sold in the UK. Do they have catalytic converters and does the
> > carb have feedback mechanisms to control emissions?
> No. Cats aren't common here. I would guess that fewer than 5% of new sales in
> the UK have cats fitted - that particular vogue came and went. Just too much
> trouble. They're more common in Germany. Where they are fitted, of course, so
> is FI. Public enemy #1 over here was lead emission - I think the US decided
> that nitrous oxides were the bad guys and removed lead to enable catalytic
> converters? Whatever. It looks like lead-free petrol might be on the way out
> now, too - higher benzene levels are being blamed for increased childhood
> leukemia in cities. My ur-quattro still runs on The Real Thing - ROZ 98 leaded!
However, those in the US should note that gasoline with a Research
Octane Number (ROZ auf Deutsch) of 98 typically has a Motor Octane
Number (MON) of 88, and in the US, the average is posted at the
pumps. Therefore, ROZ 98 there corresponds to that sold as (98 +
88)/2 = 93 octane here.
According to DIN 51607, Super Plus (93), Premium (90), and Regular (87)
gasolines differ only in anti-knock properties, so one should not pay
extra for something an engine does not need. In fact, using gas with
octane higher than required actually can increase pollution because
higher-octane fuels contain more aromatics.
Phil's right about problems with unleaded gas: without lead's excellent
anti-knock properties, cyclic hydrocarbons (aromatics) or branched
chains (isoparaffins) must be added, and these present their own
problems. Additives based on oxygenous components (methanol, ethanol,
MTBE) also work, but can only be used in limited proportion because
they raise the volatility level.
John Greenstreet, Senior Engineer (jgreenst@motown.ge.com)
Martin Marietta Government Electronic Systems Moorestown NJ 08057
WPI Class of '75, Temple Class of '94
My new car history:
1975 1978 1982 1986 1989 1992 1995
VW -> Audi -> Audi -> Mercedes -> Mercedes -> Audi -> Mercedes
Scirocco Fox GTI 4000S 190E 2.3 190E 2.6 100CS S320
POSSLQ's* new car history:
1978 1981 1985 1988 1990 1993
Triumph -> Toyota -> Toyota -> VW -> Audi -> Audi
Spitfire Tercel Corolla Jetta GL 80 90S
*POSSLQ = Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
Note: All Audis and Mercedes above were sold to friends or family.