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Re: Exhaust manifolds (AGAIN?!)

>  I've been looking for a suitable alternative to the stock
>  exhaust manifold for some time for the Killer ur-Quattro Engine From Hell
>  project with no success. VW/Audi magazine had a short piece on an ur-Q
>  with a custom-built one-off manifold that had, you guessed it,
>  cracked.....

    Are we talking about the same article? Back in July, I think it was.
    It started out with someone who built a custom manifold in stainless
    steel to replace a cracked stock manifold, and then realised that there
    was probably a market for the things. The cost of the new stainless
    version was similar to a VAG replacement (ie damn expensive, but perhaps
    less likely to break.)

    One of the main reasons for the manifold's demise is tha fact that it's 
    bearing the weight of the turbo. The same company offers a brace that
    helps to take some of the weight off the manifold - a kind of belt and
    braces approach.

    I can look up the details if you're interested.

Alasdair Mackintosh                                 Shape Data, EDS Unigraphics
mackinto@ug.eds.com                                   Parker's House, Regent St
+44 1223 371608                                         Cambridge, CB2 1DP, U.K.