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5000 Brake light, etc.

C.Y. asks about his brake warning light, this problem is most likely 
related to the presure accumulator. Frist thing is to check the high 
pressure hose which goes from the pump to the accumulator. This hose 
often has a small/slow leak which can be hidden by foam insulation which 
covers the hose. If the is no leak the problem is inside the accumulator 
and not really worth spending the money to fix until the problem becomes 
more noticable.

As far as the wipers you need to check the power at the wiper motor. If 
the power switch correct at connect to the motor the problem is in the 
motor. The delay relay only controls the park circuit in wiper motor, I 
don't believe the high speed power passes though the relay at all.

On the bypassing of the fuse box for a fuel pump relay on a 4000.  This 
fix only works on early 4000's with Rabbit fuse boxes. The problem was not 
with the relay or the relay socket but with the AMP pin connector in the 
gang plug on the back of the fuse box. The small pin connector used could 
not handle the current for the fuel pump and would overheat and melt the 
gang connector block. If you have the newer fuel pump relay/fuse box combo 
with the lrage blades for the #30 in and fuel pump out this should not be 
a problem as the whole system has been improved. The female connectors in 
the fuse box can be tighten with a small screwdriver. I would also pull 
the gang connectors at the fuse box and apply some contact cleaner to 
them. Remember the relay need both 12 volts from the #15 circuit and a 
dwell signal from the ingition.

- Tom Feller