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Re: don't try this at home - FOLLOW-UP

   I had a customer with a Callaway on an 82 Coupe....snarling, unruly child
   of a car w/ 3" stainless exhaust....come to think of it, briefly saw a 1.8
   rabbit with a Callaway & adjustable wastegate....had it's second turbo, a
   weak cylinder & a big puddle (not to be confused with a big POODLE which as
   we know is incurable) of oil emanating from the return hose connection at
   the oil pan.

    These aftermarket applications, not to mention some of the creations that
   come from the big three, make you really appreciate VAG's attention to design!

I remember all the rags waxing ecstatic over Callaway's quality and atten-
tion of detail and whatnot. Of course, they also waxed ecstatic over the
Ur Quattro too . . .
