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Re: roof rack plugs for 1990 Coupe Q

> 1990 Silver Coupe Q ( with a brand new Diehard International - why 
> doesn't Sears sell this beast with standard vacuum/windshield washer 
> fittings for the %@#$#%^^vent? )

I discovered something very interesting yesterday as I jumpstarted my
sister's 82 Jetta with my 86GLI...  the $35 Energizer battery I got
for her at Costco (warehouse club) is EXACTLY THE SAME as the Sears
DieHard (might be international) that I paid $85 for a few months
ago.  Except for the stickers that say 'Sears' and 'Energizer' of
course.  Shop and learn...

(no, I don't think they are vented)

| Dan |
Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
Advanced Network & Services	         (914) 789-5378
100 Clearbrook Road  			Elmsford, NY 10523