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Led Volts

>From: Scott=John=Mockry%Mktg%TM@banyan.bv.tek.com
>Date: Fri, 27 Jan 95 16:21:43 PST
>Subject: re: Re: LED Switch Failures

> Measuring the existing resistor value may help you  choose the correct LED.
> If you figure (14 Volts-voltage drop across LED)/(resistor value) = current.
> Most LED's require 5-20 milliamps to work correctly.

And more good news....

Thanks Scott.  Its the details that count.
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  *        Jeffrey Morgan - jmorgan@cnj.digex.net - CIS 71106,276       *
 *   Sysop of Visions InfoLine BBS for Media Professionals 908-769-1779  *
  *     ENG/EJ/EFP Tech / Computer Consultant at WCBS-TV in NYC, NY     *
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