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fogging up

I'm having a problem with my 200TQ.  Every time I get more than 2 
people in the car, every single window fogs up, and  its not due to 
excessive activity in the car.  Sometimes the fogging is a good 
thing, but certainly not when I'm cruising down the highway at 70 MPH.  
I've turned the blowers on full blast, both hot and cold, but neither has 
been suitably effective.  How can I fix this problem?  I've been told 
they make stuff for car windows that prevents them from fogging up.  Has 
anyone had any experience using such a formula?  This is becoming a major 
problem and I would like to remedy it as quickly as possible.  Thanks.

1983 5000 --> 1987 Volvo 760 Wagon --> 1989 200 Turbo Quattro  

Benjamin M. Kaplan				If only you could have seen,
Bioengineering '95				what I have seen with your eyes
University of Pennsylvania		 	   - Roy Batty
bmkaplan@eniac.seas.upenn.edu				NEXUS 6