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Re: RE: 1993 90CS

Gee, Fellas,
Don't it seem sorta uneccesary to page through 10 1/2 screens full of quoted
material to get to a one line comment?  :-)
D'ya think mebbe we could edit out a bit of the prolog (which we all have read
at least six times before).
Gee, where are those little pink and green pills?  I think maybe I need another
one.  :-)  Really, I'm MUCH less crabby when I've taken my medication.  :-)

Bob  __________________________________________________      ^_____^
    | Robert L. (Bob) Myers  <RMyers@WVNVMS.WVNET.EDU> |    /       \
    |__________________________________________________|   (  O _ O  )
            Love M'Audi - Love M'Bimmer.                    \  (_)  /
       Siberian Huskies are better than either!              |  U  |