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>From swiss.ans.net!quattro Wed Jan 25 17:58 EST 1995 remote from ncrgw1
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Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 14:25:45 -0500 (EST)
From: Robert Phillips <r3rfp@dax.cc.uakron.edu>
To: quattro@swiss.ans.net
Subject: Re: FS:1981 Audi GT Coupe
In-Reply-To: <441509250195*/PN=glen.powell/OU=notes/PRMD=smclan/ADMD=attmail/C=us/@open400.smc.com>
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Sender: quattro-owner@swiss.ans.net
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On 25 Jan 1995 glen.powell@smc.com wrote:
> Is not the additional HP of the 5-cylinder with the OEM header (unlike
> the Coupe GT's 5-cylinder) enough to overcome the weight penalty of the
> 4000Q Vs the 4000s? I'd be real surprised if a stock 4000s would out
> accelerate or have a higher top-end Vs a stock 4000Q.....
> Anyone still have a copy of the "Audi Performance Matrix" that listed HP,
> weights, 1/4 mile times, etc?
I must admit, I am dealing with purely "seat of the pants" evaluations,
but my pants said that the reduced weight coupled with hp numbers that
are almost identical (+ - 10, 15hp), the S would out accelerate the q any
day. The top end of the q would certainly be better though. The S is
geared pretty low (85-87 models w/close ratio), but it gets there pretty
well. I have acheived a top speed of around 110-115, but don't have a
lot of stright stretches. I don't have much more room on my license for
points either...
---87 4000S, 1.8L
P.S. Anyone have graphs of the output at various rpm's for the -5? The
1.8L-4 would be pretty easy to obtain baseline figures, as it is VERY
similar to a GTi motor.