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Re: Tales of clutches,heater cores and turbos, Part 1

> > > Sorry to pick and choose what intersts me, but when you say a 944 Quaife 
> > > will fit in an Audi tranny, what tranny do you mean?  Would one fit, say 
> > > my 87 4000S 5spd.??  (4-cyl engine, FWD)
> > 
> > Since you have the 4cyl, I would think that the Quaife for the 1.8l/2.0l
> > VWs would fit without any problems.  I think I know of an application.
> > -robert.
> > 
> I didn't know that the FWD VW's had a right angle final drive.  I had heard 
> that the Porsche 914 Quaife would fit the Audis too.  
> Steve B

Sorry, i didn't realize the 4k FWD was not transverse.