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200 Turbo Quattro Wagon

While out-and-about this weekend scavenging for parts, I happened across a
1991 200 Turbo Quattro Wagon that had been hit (lightly) on the left front
corner and was being sold by the salvage yard as a "rebuilder" instead of
being parted out.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't be interested in pursuing this but they were asking
only $4,400 -- the car had less than 60k miles and otherwise appeared to be
in pretty good condition -- and I can't imagine it would cost more than $2k
or so to fix (hood, fender, bumper cover, headlight assembly, misc. trim &
perhaps some time on a rack pulling the strut tower straight) ... although
the idea of driving a rebuilt wreck doesn't thrill me, a 200TQW for $7,000
certainly does bring a smile to my face.  :^)

I don't really need another project around the house and I don't have much
experience with paint and bodywork but this one is too tempting to pass by
... so, since I have no experience whatsoever with Quattros, are there any
common trouble areas I should investigate or should I throw caution to the
wind and run down there with a cashier's check first thing in the morning?

BTW, on the off-chance I decide to pass on this car, I'll be happy to pass
along the name and address of the yard to anyone else who is interested in
                /| |_| |> | - |> |_| |> |  (AudiDudi@delphi.com) 
               1981 4000; 1985 4000s; 1987 5000 & 5000W; 1991 100