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Re: Any south SF Bay area Audi owners/fans?

On Feb 7,  1:32pm, New England: July-August & winter  07-Feb-1995 133 wrote:
> Subject: Re: Any south SF Bay area Audi owners/fans?
> CA Audi fans:
> How much of a hassle is it to bring a non-CA Audi into CA?  I have an 86
5000CS TQ
> that I'm thinking of selling here in the east to prevent a hassle out there.
> Should I even worry about this?
> Any help is welcome.
> ...bill
>-- End of excerpt from New England: July-August & winter  07-Feb-1995 133

	It's extremely simple: you just cough up $350 to the DMV, and
	you'll be cooking with gas (in a manner of speaking ..).

	Of course, they don't make you actually *fix* anything for
	the $350: it's just a fee so that you can go on (supposedly)
	polluting. (Grrrr - so much for being conscientous).

	And no, you can't buy anything, even from the manufacturer, that
	will make your car comply -- even if there's literally nothing
	different about your car from a CA car.

	When I "imported" my brand-new '92 Accord from New York, I called
	American Honda about this matter.  In summary, they said,
	"Tough : you gotta pay!"


	PS: If your car is in good condition, you may get a better price
	for it here than you will on the East Coast, should you decide
	to sell it.