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Re: Audi Hydralic Pump (fwd)

VOICE OF EXPERIENCE: "Beware the 'quick' fixes.. they'll bite you in the 
a** in the long run!!!"

                          (o o)       
Bob D'Amato                     |Information and Technology Center
Southern New England Telephone	|
Voice: 203-771-7081		|mx@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
Fax:   203-773-3398		|	or
Pager: 203-786-9685		|bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
                        .oooO  (   )   
                        (   )   ) /          
                         \ (   (_/     
                          \ )

On Thu, 16 Feb 1995, Dan Simoes wrote:

> Forwarded message:
> >From PZANUS%WPOSMTP.METC.DOE.GOV@ans.net Thu Feb 16 14:35:39 1995
> Message-Id: <sf4362a8.044@WPOSMTP.METC.DOE.GOV>
> X-Mailer: WordPerfect Office 4.0
> Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 14:34:43 -0500
> To: dans@ans.net
> Subject:  Audi Hydralic Pump
> I'm new to the internet.  I've recently read that a reader found
> a product that is an alcohol base stop leak for the hydraulic
> pump.  I'm having the same leaking problem and don't want
> to buy a new pump.  I tried to contact that person but due to
> the age of the readind (92) that person is no longer
> available at that address. Could you please tell me how I
> may address what the name of the product is and where I
> may possibly buy some either by mail order or a locally
> national brand store.  Thanks for any help.  Paul Zanussi  -
> pzanus@metc.doe.gov
> -- 
> Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
> Advanced Network & Services	         (914) 789-5378
> 100 Clearbrook Road  			Elmsford, NY 10523