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Re: Cosmoline's function

Subject: Re: Cosmoline's function

>>Uhhh, don't mean to sound stoo-pid here, but just what the hell is 
>>"cosmoline" anyway?

>Cosmoline is the waxy green coating that is sprayed onto the >engines and
the whole damn engine compartment at the factory. It i>s supposed to slow
down the oxidation of the aluminum parts, as >well as preserving the rubber
parts. After a little while it starts to l>ook pretty bad.
>Or at least thats the way I understand it.


Actually, cosmoline is a wax used on many areas of the car (check the nooks
and crannies of the metal parts of the doors).  It is used as protectant from
rust and corrosion during shipping of the cars.  If you are in a part of the
world that rust and corrosion are a problem you might want to keep it on, but
it looks like hell.  Those who live in drier areas don't need the cruddy
looking wax which cooks onto certain parts (discoloring them forever).  As I
mentioned in a different e-mail on this same subject, an aerosole spray
called Lift-Off is a great cosmoline remover.
