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Re: Chips?

On Mar 10,  4:34pm, Robert Phillips wrote:
> Subject: Re: Chips?
> On 10 Mar 1995, Graydon D. Stuckey wrote:
> > 	On a slightly different note, I put a new set of tires on yesterday,
> > am actually rather impressed.  I bought OHTSU, (215/60-15) for $67.00 each,
> > 	These OHTSU tires are certainly no worse than the BF Goodrich Comp T/A
> I never knew that Ohtsu made car tires!! Wow!
> I worked at a Honda motorcycle shop for about 5 years when I was in
> high-school.  The ONLY place I have ever heard the name Ohtsu was in
> realtion to ATV's.  Ohtsu makes(made?) all of the OE tires for Honda 3
> and 4 wheeled ATV's.  I have never heard the name mentioned outside of
> the motorcycle/ATV industry.  Wherever did you find them????
> 			----Bob
>-- End of excerpt from Robert Phillips

I've seen Ohtsu tires car tires fairly frequently over the last few years. They
also are the manufacturer of Falken, which I have on both of my cars.

-- Rob

| Rob Reesor            | Teknekron Software Systems    |
| reesor@tss.com        | 530 Lytton Ave., Ste 301      |
| 415/833-2583          | Palo Alto, CA  94301          |