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Re: In search of a SunPro Meter...
//--- forwarded letter -------------------------------------------------------
> From: rdh@sli.com
> Reply-To: rdh@sli.com
>Subject: Re: In search of a SunPro Meter...
> > It does *not* have the capability to measure milli-voltage accurately below about 100
>> mv.
> >
> I beg to differ with you!
> My 7678 has 200V, 20V, 2V, and *200mv* DC voltage ranges. In comparisons
> against my zillion-dollar Simpson, on DC volts and resistance, the SunPro
> was within 1% always (tends to read about 2-5 "count" high on the lowest
> digit, i.e., 13.83V on SunPro, 13.79V on Simpson). Assuming you toss out
> the low-order digit, you have resolution to 1 millivolt -- good for testing
> out grounds vs Battery Negative terminal!).
> What the 7678 does NOT have that keeps it from being *the* all-round handy
> dandy tester is *AC* voltage ranges.
> -RDH
Oooppss. I got confused (some things never change :) ).
The weakness in the 7678 is that it can *not* measure *current* to the
differential-pressure valve on the fuel injection unit. This runs -10 to +10 mill-amps on my
'88 90Q, YMMV. The 7678 is only accurate to within 10 milli-amps.
Other wise the unit will apparently do everything else needed on an Audi. And, yes, I
use the Radio $hack special that I got to measure milli-amps and AC voltage.
Allan Morris
Phoenix, Arizona