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I just acquired a 1986 5000 S last weekend and have several minor(?)
problems. I'd appreciate any suggestions. I don't as yet have any
service manual.
1. Speedometer works but odometer doesn't.
2. Temperature gauge works intermittently. Is this the sending unit
near the radiator hose? Does this sensor also control the radiator
3. When the air conditioner is on (yes, it's warm enough in Buffalo
to at least try it) the idle drops to about 450-500 and it may stall.
4. Front speakers do not work.
5. Electric mirrors do not work. The owners manual indicates that this
is on the same fuse as the electric locks. These work.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Walter A. Pangborn, Ph.D.
Molecular Biophysics Department
Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute, Inc.
formerly Medical Foundation of Buffalo, Inc.
73 High St., Buffalo, NY 14203-1196
(716)856-9600 FAX: (716)852-4846
email: pangborn@hwi.buffalo.edu