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Thanks! (re: cheap fuel pumps request)
My thanks to the quattro list members for their willingness to answer my
request so quickly.
As you may recall, I requested suggestions for cheap fuel pump
replacements for a friend's older 5000S. The response has been warmly
gratifying. Special thanks to Bob Meyers, Marat, and Arun Rao, who
each really went the extra mile. =)
I've forwarded the replies to my friend at Ole Miss (University of
Mississippi) and he should have them when he checks his box. He's a very
hardworking Indian-Malaysian management student whom I met while there a
couple years ago as a visiting prof. He's holding down two part-time
jobs and a full classload, so having the Audi go on the blink was just
about the last straw; it's absolutely essential to making the rest of his
schedule go. And, of course, money is always a problem when one is a
I'm sure he'll appreciate the quattro listmembers' efforts, and I surely
do. I'll post an update to the list as soon as I hear about the outcome.
Thanks again, listmembers; what a super job! If I can return the favor,
please let me know. Best wishes for happy motoring,
Dan (8^{D}