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Re: UV lights
On Sat, 18 Mar 1995, Robert Phillips wrote:
> Sorta serious, sorta not:
> 1. Would one be able to tan by this type of lighting?
> OR
> 2. Would this be like "Ambervision" sunglassses for the night-time?
> I'm a bit lost, ----Bob
Not sure what ambervision is, and UV will tan you, but if Im not in front
of it... :) Its not dangerous like microwave etc...
It shouldnt be harmfull to anyone in front of me, As someone stated,
kinda like a glorified '60's blacklight... just better!
Bob D'Amato |Information and Technology Center
Southern New England Telephone |
Voice: 203-771-7081 |mx@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
Fax: 203-773-3398 | or
Pager: no Way!!!!! |bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com