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Re: Broken Pwr Antenna

>I'm trying to fix the little bugs with the 5KT.  The power antenna does not go
>up.  I removed the clear hose attached to the base of the antenna in the trunk
>and there is no vacuum present with engine running.  Is the antenna 
>vacuum-operated?  I can't get to the power wires easily to check for juice w/o
>removing the whole antenna.   When I connected the stereo (20Wx4 Sony 
>removeable face-plate), there was a wire marked "REM ANT" but I couldn't find 
>an antenna power lead to connect to.

The antenna on my '86 is electric.  I believe that the plastic hose is for
any water that might
get inside (those guys in Ingolstadt sure sweat the details....)  There must
be connectors somewhere
on your antenna.

My antenna won't go down. The motor runs, but it stays up.  So I
disconnected the motor.  I don't 
live in a place where people break antennas, and the car doesn't  see
mechanical car washes.....
Jason Douglas
MTS Dept G057                        
MITRE Corporation