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Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 19:10:49 -0500
From: PDQSHIP@aol.com
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To: rao@frisbee
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: Re: Brake pads for Teves(ATE)...
The carrier holds the caliper... the carriers are the same from what I can
tell, so the calipers should use interchangeable pads... There are only 3
apps for the fronts 84 thru 88, ate, girling single piston and girling double
piston (the preferred if you have a choice, but the carrrier is different, so
is the rotor). The carrier holds the pads so you should be safe... My brake
connection shows no separate app for the ate/girling and the same rotor so
you should be fine, please post if you find otherwise...
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