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*959 Sighting Doubtful
OK, here's what I think. BTW, Bill Gates is CEO of Microsoft and probab
ly the richest man in America. He and his business associate did buy 959s, but
they were impounded at the docks for a long time, and I think eventually went
back to Europe. The president of Apple has an F40.
There are several companies in the U.S. that can fabricate the body of a
911T or 930T into that of a 959. Believe me they look identical to a 959, and
could easily be confused with one. They do not have that fake kit car look.
They look real--and some perform this way too. I happen to think this is what
people have been seeing.
But, I do remember, and I could be wrong, ads in Du Pont Registry for o
ne or two U.S. spec 959s when they first came out. I could have imagined the w
hole thing though. So, I tend to also believe that there are a few big buco gu
ys who do have 959s in the U.S.
I thought the BMW Z1 wasn't allowed in this country either, and they m
ight not be, untill I saw two of them driving around in Monterey, CA.
Dan Hussey
BTW, Steve... What are these gov't agencies protecting us from anyways?