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re: *959 Sighting Doubtful

think I'm coming into this late but here's my .02 on the 959 sightings...

I wouldn't doubt the sightings too much as stranger things have made it 
into the country.  A few years ago I had the pleasure of riding in a 
`85 Lancia Beta Volumex Coupe, supercharged 2 liter, which had found 
it's way into the country and missed the usual epa\dot regulation 
hurdles. It's owner also had a Lancia 037 (group B rally car that 
battled with the Ur- and Sport Quattros) which was hiding out in 
Arizona at the time. The epa was aware of both cars and the chase had 
been going on for years.

The story I got was that both cars had been flown into Mexico City and 
then transported close to the US border and driven across.  Slap a trip 
permit in the back window and voila! You're in.  Not sure what ever 
happend to `em.. they could be paperweights now : (

At the same time there was a Lancia Delta Intregrale that had been 
`added' to a large order of equipment from Olivetti. But, the Delta was 
hidden in storage somewhere in S.F as it's new owners were too nervous 
to take it out.

Dan said:
>         I thought the BMW Z1 wasn't allowed in this country either, 
and they m
>ight not be, untill I saw two of them driving around in Monterey, CA.
I heard these were in the US on Carnet' (which granted them to legally 
be here on a temporary basis) for a student(s). Apparently they 
appeared at a BMW event in San Diego a few years back.  So it can be done.

Since this is the Audi alias...anyone know if any late `80's 20v 
Ur-Quattos made it to the US?

- chrisbar@microsoft.com