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Yoko Avs

 Greetings all-
   I know we've covered this tire thing somewhat extensively,, But does 
anyone have any experience with the Yoko Avs "intermediate" tires. How 
are they in the wet verses in the dry? This would be a non-quattro 
application so Id' be willing to give up some dry traction for improved 
wet traction. Plus the weather here in Cleveland seems to provide much 
more wet than dry...
  Thanks in advance.
Rod Wiggins.

Ive seen several people give their car history so I'll give it a shot...
 TR7s (3). > VW Scirocco S > Alpha 2000GTV > Porche 914s (2) > Audi Coupe 
Gt > Ur-quattro (1.5)    plus a wide assortment of winter beaters and failed 
project cars..