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Re: Lost code for radio on '89 100Q

Your Dealer should be able to call the Audi Rep and get the code.  I did this
because when I bought my 89 100 the radio was also dead.  Even with the new 
code my radio wouldn't work.  It cost the dealer I bought the car from 75.- to 
swap the dead radio for another factory radio.


> On Wed, 22 Mar 1995, Brian Lakeman wrote:
> > I bought my '89 100Q used, and I the dealer I bought it from doesn't know 
> > code for the radio.  Recently my battery went dead so my radio no longer  
> > works.  Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Have you tried removing the unit and putting it in the freezer for a 
while. Apparently this is what car radio thieves do, and it has the 
effect of reseting the memory of the stereo (or something). It's a thread 
that somebody else might know something about - I wouldn't try it without 
knowing exactly what happens.


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