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Re: RD confiscation/destruction?/audi oil filters

Hi jim,

> Well, even if its stealthy I'm sure they could pick out the users
> by standard trolling practice - I mean if you slow down (not brake)
> 3 times when he/she instant ons 3 times, its pretty obvious.  The 
> previously mentioned book describes such a trolling where the
> officer was doing it for kicks, before pulling someone over for 
> speeding. 

(man, I bet we'll be able to keep this going forever.  Yummy!)

Jim, *Please* do not take this personly.  But, what you describe is how
they pick up the *sheep*, not the wolves.  If you're gonna boogie, you
gotta know enough *not* to be nailed by such lame tactics as these.  No
flame amigo, but fast driving is *hard* work, because of the concentration
you gotta put into knowing where and what all the other vehicles are, as
well as reading the terrain, *always* looking for a likely ambush spon.  If
you know what an unmarked cop car looks like (signature Stance, tires, spot-
lite on driver's A pillar), you won't get nailed *this* way (some other way,

I always slow *Way* down at night, because I can't read the other cars, not
only the on-comming cars, but the closing cars.  When I'm rollin', and I
see a car in my mirror *Closing* on me, I "get legal" (with out braking) and
stay legal until I can make a positive ID.  If he's a "runner", the time I
loose waiting to ID him will be made up after I tuck in behind him after he
passes.  Bear bait in front is a *good* thing...



Custodian, Porschephiles
Wife, Varmint, Porsche, etc.