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Cibie Oscars
>OK, since I cant find Oscars ANYWHERE in this solar system, (Havent tried
>other places though) , are the Hella 1000's good pencil beams? Anyone
>know the diameter and depth of these lights?
>If they are good, where is a good place to get them for a reasonable price?
The 1995 Demon Tweeks catalog from the UK has them; in fact, they list FIVE
different versions: Oscar, Oscar Plus, Oscar Complex, Super Oscar and Super
Bi-Oscar. Prices range from 36.29 to 59.86 pounds. Their telephone number
is 011-44-1978-664466 and their fax number is 011-44-1978-664467. (My girl
friend, who hails from Nottingham -- Yes, there IS a Sherwood Forest there!
-- assures me that England is still part of the solar system.)
/| | | |\ | |\ | | |\ | AudiDudi@delphi.com
/-| | | | | | = | | | | | | | Jeffrey Goggin
/ | |_| |/ | |/ |_| |/ | Scottsdale, Arizona