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Re: Flaky Speedometer revisited yet again

Excerpts from audi: 28-Mar-95 Flaky Speedometer revisited.. by "Robert
> In the continuing daytime drama of the flaky speedometer, my macanak (can't
> spell mechanic) tells me they had to replace a gear in the transmission AND
> a printed circuit board in the instrument cluster.  To the tune of $628.
> That's one high priced tune. 

Hmm, I don't know if it changed in later years, but my 81 audi 5000
Diesel, the printed circuit board in the instrument cluster isn't a
"board" at all, but a piece of flexible plastic.  I've heard of at least
one person who removed the plastic-board entirely and rewired it by
hand.  They get old and brittle.  In the process of putting in a new
glow plug idiot light, I managed to kill my dashllights.  Now I can't
see the speedometer at night...not that I can really speed anyways in a
diesel.  Even if a cop was chasing me, I can always downshift to fourth,
punch it, and blind the cops with a smoke screen(I bet no one else has
this James Bond option).  
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