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Re: 90Q Auto-Check display of radio info

Bob D'Amato sez:
> On Mon, 27 Mar 1995, Solomon Ngan wrote:
> > 1. The Audi 90 manual indicates that the Auto-Check System should 
> >     display radio info, ie: FM, Tape, etc.   My '90 90Q20V doesn't!
> >     It is a Canadian model.
> Mine doesnt do it either! But the manual said it should.... mine is a 
> '91, with the stock radio... and  a US model.
> Bob

And my '91 Coupe doesn't do it either!  (And I pulled my radio and checked
that the data wire is connected -- the radio does not seem to be sending
anything on the wire, though -- I was interested in hacking the text
display capability)

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