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Re: '90-91 CQ/90 radios

On 28 Mar 1995, Peter Fraser wrote:

>         Reply to:   RE>'90-91  CQ/90 radios
> >To get the radio display in the dash you need the "Delta" radio.  The other 
> radios don't provide this feature.
> and consider yourself lucky, since it only works right about half the time.
How do you know if you have one... and where could I get one to play 
with? Anyone have a used one?!

Bob D'Amato                     |Information and Technology Center
Southern New England Telephone	|
Voice: 203-771-7081		|mx@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
Fax:   203-773-3398		|	or
Pager: no Way!!!!!		|bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com