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VW/Audi Consumer Mediation/Arbitration Program

Hi folks.  I recently received a brochure in the mail from the Federal Trade
Commission.  The brochure is entitled "Volkswagen: Consumer Mediation/Arbitra-
tion Program and is highly-recommended reading for all VW and Audi owners, 
past and present!  I've included the introductory text here and have also  
sent the entire text to Dan Simoes for inclusion in the quattro archives at:


I expect it to become accessible within the next day or two (when Dan gets
time to post it).  Enjoy!

					- Chris Idleman
					  '87 Audi Coupe GT

---------------------------- Included text --------------------------------

Federal Trade Commission Publication # F023262 - Facts for Consumers, 
"Volkswagen: Consumer Mediation/Arbitration Program" - July 1994

Published by: 	Bureau of Consumer Protection
		Office of Consumer & Business Education
		Tel. (202) 326-3650


      o	For owners of VWoA or Audi cars and light trucks with engine
	problems, there is a mediation/arbitration program operated by
	the Better Business Bureau.

      o	You can file a claim if you've had engine problems with any
	model year VW or Audi car or light truck.  In most cases, you
	must still own or lease the vehicle to participate.

      o	Regardless of your vehicle's age or mileage, you are eligible
	to file a claim and have an arbitration hearing.  However, the
	arbitrator can consider age and mileage when making a decision.

      o	Under the program, you may seek a refund for money spent on 
	repairs; repairs made at no charge; or a VWoA buy-back of the


Under terms of a 1988 Federal Trade Commission order, Volkswagen of America
(VWoA) has established a mediation/arbitration program for all owners and 
lessees of VWoA or Audi cars and light trucks with engine problems.  Through
this informal program, operated by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), you may
seek one of the following settlements: a refund for the money you spent on 
repairs; repairs to be made by VWoA at no charge to you; or a VWoA buy-back 
of your car.

To participate, you must contact the nearest BBB or VWoA and request an
arbitration package that includes, among other things, a settlement request
form, which you must complete and return.  The BBB toll-free number is 
1-800-955-5100.  You can contact VWoA by writing:

			Volkswagen of America, Inc.
			Customer Services Department
			888 West Big Beaver
			P. O. Box 3951
			Troy, MI  48007-3951

or by calling:

		#1-800-822-8987 (VWoA owners)
		#1-800-822-2834 (Audi owners)

This arbitration covers two categories of problems -- specified claims and
internal engine component claims.

"Specified claims" can be filed by owners or lessees who experienced oil
consumption-related problems in water-cooled gasoline engine Volkswagen and 
Audi vehicles from model years 1974 through 1979.  If you have had such oil
consumption problems, you NEED NOT still own or lease the car to be eligible
to participate in the program.

"Internal engine component claims" involve all other engine problems.  All
owners or lessees who experiences internal engine component problems with
any Volkswagen or Audi vehicle, regardless of the model year and engine type,
can file claims.  However, you still must own or lease your car to be eli-