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Re: The costs of speed (Update)

> Speed racing - 649 (836) [no more stoplight grands prix]
> Fail to disp plates (no front) - 519 (!) ["But occifer, it drops water
> temp]
> Speeding w/65 mile speed limit:
> 66 to 75 = 134 (201)
> 76 to 85 = 329 (425)
> 85+      = 519

Let me get this straight: a ticket for 21mph over the limit is $519?!!  This
is highway robbery (no pun intended)!  There ought to be a law against this!

                /| | | |\  |   |\  | | |\  |  AudiDudi@delphi.com
               /-| | | | | | = | | | | | | |  Jeffrey Goggin
              /  | |_| |/  |   |/  |_| |/  |  Scottsdale, Arizona