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Comment: forwarded by CRNLNS/FMailV3.2
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Comment: Network-Source: _LNS577::SCHMIDT (HEPnet/SPAN)
Comment: Originally-From: SCHMIDT
Comment: Originally-To: IN%"QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net"
Some (short) time ago I posted a "WTB-Audi" here and heard from a few people;
let me apologize publicly to all who responded, for not having replied yet,
but things have been a tad hectic... Haven't had time to think about buying
an Audi, much less actually do it.
So what's this got to do with YOU, you ask? Well, I'm unsubscribing for a
few weeks in order to traipse around a bit (don't want my mailbox to over-
flow while I'm gone) but I want to leave you with the following post I saw
locally, in case anyone is interested (I did telephone the individual to
confirm availability); please direct inquiries to address listed as I'll
be unavailable.
---excerpted post follows----
From: cs12@cornell.edu (C-Selvarajah)
Newsgroups: cornell.marketplace
Subject: Audi 5000CS and Triumph TR7 Manuals
Audi 5000CS Manual
Offical Factory Repair Manual.
Covers 1984 to 1988 sedans wagons Quattros with
gasoline Turbo and Turbo diesel engines
plus a Haynes Audi 5000CS owners manual.
Both manuals $70.00
The Complete Official Triumph TR7 repair and
Operations Manual. Covers 1975 - 1981 models.
---end excerpted post---