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Re: car buying

[from Bob Myers about advertising on Q-Net]
>>Count me as one who agrees with Bob Houk.  Good info is helpful and the
>dealer's input is welcome(, but perhaps not as a regular advertiser?)
>o    What da ya think ? Should we take a poll ?
>o I for one strongly discourage the "commercial" advertising angle. I think
>o it would be great if he/they "subscribe" and "respond" to specific re-
>o quests, but the *last* thing I want to see is a zillion "regular" adver-
>o tisements on this list!
>o                                       -RDH

I agree with keeping commercials off the net. (That's way we have remote
clickers on TV. Right?)

But I wouldn't mind hearing the official dealer info on what and when Audi
will bring the fun toys into the U.S. Like the RS2. The A4 super-turbo etc.

And any other deals he would like to offer on parts to us.

Ernest Wong
email: esw5@cornell.edu