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Re: DISC: Options about ads on the quattro net

On Mon, 3 Apr 1995, Daniel Hussey wrote:

>            Well,  what do y'all think.  This is just one opinion out of many, a
> nd I don't really care either way, but I really don't see anything wrong with a
> n occasional list of Audis for sale.
>                                                      --Dan Hussey

I agree, I dont think we are exactly bombarded with ads now. I like 
knowing what dealers are good, and like seeing audi's for sale. They are 
a few a month, and I dont think 'overpowering'.  Keep the subject line 
accurate, and those who arent interested can blow by them.
I like to be informed, and thats why I joined!


Bob D'Amato                     |Information and Technology Center
Southern New England Telephone	|
Voice: 203-771-7081		|mx@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com
Fax:   203-773-3398		|	or
Pager: no Way!!!!!		|bob.damato@starfleet.itc.snetlink.com