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Re: Tach repair.

>Anyone know where I can get a tach for a non-audi (It isnt an audi, so it 
>isnt worth mentioning) repaired. It is $400 for a new one. (You hear that 
>Rod? :)   If I can get it repaired I will, if not, I have to get a new 
>one! Any info is appreciated...
>(BTW, it IS the tach mechanism, not associated wiring etc..)
>Anyone read the latest R&T? The A6 got squashed in reviews. (Although 
>after reading the specs, It isnt suprising, its quite embarassing!)

Nope, didn't read it.  I figure Audi is giving up what?
50-100 hp to the competition.  I would guess the suspension is 
still above average but the R&T drivers still remember 
test driving the A8 or V8 and can't put the experience past 

EC did a 1 pager on an A6 avant and the tuner barely tried to improve
engine performance - they were more interested in wheels.

Come on A4!, Audi needs a cash cow to pay for future R+D
and publiciity if we are ever going to see another A6 contending.
>Bob D'Amato                     |Information and Technology Center