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Re: Fuel Pump Problems

On Apr 13,  5:12pm, Robert D. Houk wrote:
> Subject: Re: Fuel Pump Problems
> 	MY five year old also pointed out that buzzing sound. Its always
> 	helpful to have someone riding in the back seat. Does it mean failure
> 	is imminent? Should there be any sound at all - is it a matter of
> 	loudness?
> There *should* be no (virtually none) noise at all. Audi Fuel Pump Failure
> is imminent, anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 years. Do you feel lucky today?
> 					-RDH
>-- End of excerpt from Robert D. Houk

	I've been meaning to ask you folks for a while, and this
	seems like a good time ...

	Ever since I bought my '85 5KT, my wife would occasionally
	mention hearing this faint periodic sound (repetition rate
	of about 1 Hz) from the left rear of the car.  I never heard
	it myself till recently: it sounds like a faint version
	of the "key-in-ignition" warning buzzer.

	Is this the infamous fuel-pump death-rattle? I don't always
	hear it, and have to listen carefully when I do.


Arun Rao
1001 W. Cutting Blvd.
Pt. Richmond, CA 94804