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Re: Brake Maintenance

>This is your Audi speaking...
>I would like to remind anyone who hasn't flushed their braking system to 
>do so.

Did it 3 weeks ago, along with radiator flush, new trans fluid and screen,
new diff synthetic fluid, timing belt......
>Audis need *constant* love and attention (read: money), and if they don't 
>get it, they will let you know in their own little/big way. 

See above for $500.-...... ouch!!,  not to mention another $500.- for
the inserts that are getting done today on the wagon... :-(

>You will now be returned to your regularly scheduled list...already in 

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 |  ___________/ / ________  |     ENGINEERING North America
 |  ____________/ /          |
 |  _____________/   ******  |     Michael LaRosa
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