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Re: History of 5000 78-95 ???

I tend to disagree with the fact that early 80's 5K were bad cars. My 82 
has 213,000 miles on it and NEVER let me sit and still has almost all 
orig. equip. on it like engine, trans, water pump, even struts, radiator, 
and steering rack! My car may be an exception, however, I work on allot 
of older Audis and those customers dont come back as much as the ones who 
own mid-to later 80's 5ks. You were right about the transmissions though, 
Autos were not the best.
As far as the Turbo Q's, it is slightly bad advice to say that a high 
mileage turbo is better than a non turbo. You probably haven't replaced a 
turbo on your car yet. figure on at least $600 minimum for parts alone, 
if you need to replace it. The non-turbo Q's were damn fine cars, except 
the fact that they are not quick. I still prefer a turbo over a non, 
however take into consideration that not everyone on this mailing list 
can get a turbo at wholesale and put it in themselves.