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4000 or Coupe GT Euro lights group purchase

Hi Zafer,

I have a '86 Coupe GT (no turbo).  I believe it's the same light as the 4000 
but am not sure.  There was a recent article in EuroCar magazine on replacing 
the std 4000 with a Bosch H4, and they even mentioned Ron.  

Are you considering using the Hella or Bosch lights?  The originals U.S. ones 
are Hella.  Out of ignorance, if the original Hella's are no good, why go with 
Hella European H4 and not the Bosch?

I'd certainly be interested if the price was right!  $400 seems too expensive 
for my 8.5 yr old car.

Thanks for coordinating the group purchase!


From: zm @ mhcnet.att.com (Zafer Mehmood  [209]) @ INTERNET
Date: 04/20/95 05:14:18 PM
Subject: Euro lights group purchase

 So far I have 6 people interested in the Euro lights group
purchase. The names, etc are shown below. Please let me know what
timeframe you will be willing to purchase these. Also please send
me any missing info.

It appears that we can get considerable savings on a group purchase.
One place I called today (Ron's parts) is willing to bring down their
already low (relatively) price of $650/pair to $595. This includes
both the headlamps with the integrated side markers, wiring harness
adapters/sockets and the bulbs (H4 55/65W ?). Compare this $595/pair
price to the non-group-purchase price of $900/pair from Shokan and
$1300/pair from Europart. There are other suppliers that I can call
but I'd like to firm up the number of people interested so I can
negotiate the lowest price possible with a higher number of units
ordered. As a reference, the Audi list price for the crappy, US DOT
headlamps is $490/pair (no bulbs, etc).

If there are any 4000 owners out there who are interested, speak up
too! The standard (without the bulk discount) price for the 4000
Euro lights is only $395/pair!

I know Ned Ritchie at IA also sells Euro lights. May be Mike Spiers
can also ask him about a lower price for the lights when he calls for
the computer mods on Tuesday.

Here are the people who've shown interest so far. I need confirmation
and any missing info from you:

Name     Car  When  Email
----     ---  ---- -----

Zafer Mehmood    87 5KTQ ASAP zm@mhcnet.att.com
Graydon Stuckey    86 5KTQ ? graydon@apollo.gmi.edu
Matt Bartholomew   88 5KTQ ? BARTHOML@snyalfva.cc.alfredtech.edu
Jim ?     ?  ? Slprywheel@aol.com
Rolf Mair    ?? 5KT ? waves@epix.net
Glenn Kaufman*    ?? Coupe GT ? Glenn_Kaufman.LOTUS@crd.lotus.com

* - Glenn, I need your car's model year, turbo/non-turbo, etc. Ron's parts
didn't show a listing for the Coupe GT euro lights but with more info
from you I may be able to track them down.

If anyone can suggest any parts suppliers for Euro lights, that'll
be great! I'm trying the usual ones from the parts vendor list.


Zafer Mehmood       AT&T Bell Laboratories
zm@mhcnet.att.com      Murray Hill, NJ