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Re: Dancing on Mods

"Obsolete" is a word that's been haunting me all weekend....  You're correct
in that the guage reads fairly quickly, tho there is a delay, not sure why
(not sure I care or should), but on my car it approaches a couple
seconds..... Regardless, the cr** that spewed on this net was a misleading
and technically inaccurate sales job to discredit the folks that have done
their homework....  The bottom line is that to make a totally informed
decision is impossible cuz all the players are hiding their secrets, and to
date, we haven't had the decipher of the boxes done.....   So, you make your
decision based on the technical information that is supplied and the
recommendation of the folks that might have tried the "mod"....  Based on
either of that criteria, I sure don't see how one could get a warm fuzzy....
 And one of those criteria (in fact both for that matter) is 100% is
controllable by the tuner hisself....    I've seen one or two posts where the
folks are happy with the "dancer" mods, and certainly the frowns out distance
the smiles....   
