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Re: IA
Hmmm...... Ned decided not to deal, would Trevor? Are you getting what you
pay for? I know why Ned did what he did, and it wasn't cuz of the ten
fifteen twenty box discount.... He also has a dealer/dist network that can't
get a better deal than that, and in the long term scheme of things, I'm not
sure I wouldn't have done what he did to protect his long term survival.....
A quick cheap buck is just that, and from both sides of the deal...... If
he lowers his pants for the net, he has to for everyone else... A lot of
balls, and certainly not a PR guy, but he is a thinker, and he thought about
that one.......
He lost 9 boxes of 15.... And until someone can decipher the black
magic....... He made a business decision, not a knee jerk one like what I
see here.......