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Re: 5kS Durability

>I was driving home from work last night in my (her, whatever) '84 5kS, was
>about three miles from home, and doing between 50 and 60 MPH.  Lady in a Mazda
>pickup getting ready to turn (rather, merge) into my lane, which is only a
>one-lane road.  Looks right at me, then guns it.  Cute.  I locked up all four
>tires, slid through the intersection, and nailed her.  Folded her rear bumper
>under, and sent her careening into the line of cars in the turn lane in the
>oncoming lane.  Got out, expecting to be missing the whole front end of the
>car.  NOT A SCRATCH!  No broken lights, no busted plastic trim, no dented
>metal.  Couldn't believe it.  There were two marks on the top of the bumper
>where the bumper had compressed about three inches, and the bottom of the
>plastic trim that goes around the bumper had left a trail.  But the bumper had
>sprung back out to exactly where it belonged.  Those two trails were the only
>indication that I was in an accident.  Well, the only NEW indication anyways.
> There were enough old bumps and scratches that I could have easily gotten a
>new front bumper out of her insurance company, but I didn't feel like screwing
>anyone over unneccesarily.  Besides, she learned her lesson and will probably
>have a fun time explaining to her husband how her rear bumper got mashed!
>87 5000CS TQ
A similar story you might find interesting........

'Bout two years ago I was headed home in my former car ('80 Audi 4KS) and
had just started up from a signal.  Thirty-five feet past the intersection a
semi pulled out in front of a little old lady.  Needless to say, everybody
began laying on the brakes.  As it turns out, the brake master cylinder was
failing, so I tried to make a 22 foot stop in 20 feet of space.  You might
of guessed, I ended up sharing space with the Ford Ranger in front of me.

Total damage of each vehicle (bear in mind speed of impact was only about 12


--Reinforced tow bumper folded down under the bed of the truck
--The bed was pushed forward into the cab (left a crease in the back of the
cab) and was shifted about 2" to the right
--Since there are (were) no headrests, the drivers head came back and took
out the rear window of the cab.

Repair estimate.....His insurance co. claimed the truck was totaled!  My
ins. ended up paying about $15,000 on the claim for this guy's 5 year old truck.


--Knocked the front license plate off of the bumper  (improved the look of
the car in my opinion)
--Cracked the chromed plastic trim that was around the left headlight.

Repair cost.....Zilch; picked up a piece of trim when I went to buy a new
master cylinder from the local boneyard/part rebuilder.

Moral of this story.......I don't know..suggestions anyone?

My $0.02 on structural integrity.
